What can a Community Connector Mini-Grant pay for?


    • Your time and labor.
    • Money to encourage residents to participate (such as offering gift cards through raffles or as prizes)
    • Materials and supplies for events (such as food, markers, signs, etc.)
    • Services to make events more inclusive (such as language interpretation, childcare, transportation vouchers, etc.)

    What are the requirements from a community connector?

    • Apply by the deadline
      1. Organizations – NLT midnight November 29th, 2021
      2. Individuals and Small Groups - Rolling basis now through the selection of winning projects (est. Spring 2022)
      3. Note: There is a review and selection process for all applicants. Organizations will be notified by December 30th. Individuals and small informal groups will be notified no later than 2-4 weeks after you submit your application.
    • Sign agreement for the agreed-to activities, funding amount and payment structure, measures, and program expectations
    • Perform activities and track results
    • Submit/share the results (short survey and/or check-in) 
      1. Organizations will have a mid-point and a final survey/check-in (at a minimum)
    • Confirm completion of agreed-to activities
    • Continue advocating for and participating in Denver’s PB program!

    Can I apply for both a Community Connector Mini-Grant and the Community Steering Committee?

    No, residents cannot receive a mini-grant and be part of the Community Steering Committee. 

    How will my application be scored?

    A selection committee composed of Denver consultants and city employees from multiple agencies will score each application with a rubric focused on topics like:

    • Understanding of Equity

    • Community Connectedness

    • Understanding of the City/Neighborhood

    • Willingness and Ability to Commit to Steering Committee Responsibilities

    • Experience with Representing Communities

    We encourage applicants to be specific where possible when answering questions.